Today Thursday, August 28th, has been declared by Design Mom as Nie Nie Day. Myself along with many bloggers have joined together to hold silent auctions on our blogs and etsy shops to raise money in behalf of Stephanie and Christian Nielsen, who are survivors but badly injured in a plane crash a little over a week ago. They are in need of our prayers and also if we are able, financial support. Their medical bills are said to reach millions and their insurance will tap out soon. I have been an avid reader of the Nie Nie Dialogues, which is Stephanie's blog. I have never personally met Stephanie and yet she has inspired me along with many other people with her daily blog posts which were uplifting, beautiful, and entertaining. To learn more about their family and their story and how you can help go here.
A little about me, my name is Jeannie Olsen and I have been designing and selling my jewelry for the past 6 years but have been dabbling in it since my teen years, which was long ago. I love the creative process, finding unique materials to work with brings a big smile to face! I have been living in Tucson, AZ, home of the worlds largest gemshows. I recently relocated to Highland, UT and now will have to make the yearly trek to Tucson for the shows that used to be in my own back yard. I am so excited and honored to be able to be apart of this unique effort in behalf of the Nielsen family. Now bid bid bid!! :)
rules for this auction are as follows:
1. My auction will be open from Thursday, August 28th until 6 pm on Sunday, August 31, 2008.
2. I will make the first bid in my comments section. To make a bid you must go to the comment section and look at the current bid and then increase the bid in dollar increments. Please include your email in your bid so I can easily contact you.
3. Check often to see if you are winning and increase your bid as you wish. Each time you make a bid your name will go into a hat for a exciting door prize!! See side bar for door prize picture.
4. Once the bidding closes, I will announce and contact the winning bidder. Then as the winner you will donate directly to Stephanie & Christians paypal account and then email me at
myneckcandy@comcast.net the confirmation number. Your goodies will be mailed to you ASAP.
Thanks a ton in advance for all your help! I hope we can raise oodles of money for the Nielson family. **Remember if you aren't able to donate and even if you are able please keep them in your prayers!
PS. I have 4 different auctions one above and 3 below so keep scrolling down to see them all!!
Also be sure to check
DESIGN MOM'S blog for a full list of all the auctions. There are TONS of things to choose from.