My first GIVEAWAY!!
Yah, that's right GIVEAWAY!! Let's call it my grand opening Myneckcandy Etsy shop event. What better way to generate more traffic on my site and in my shop then by giving something super cute away! I will be doing them every now and again on my blog so check back from time to time.
How will it work?
All you have to do is leave a comment here to be entered. Anyone is welcome to enter.
If you put a link to my etsy shop or my shop blog on your blog sidebar or mention the giveaway in a post and then comment here that you linked me (please include where you linked me as well) then you get 3 EXTRA ENTRIES!!! ***Please be sure to leave an email addy or a link so I can reach you when you win!***
I'll randomly choose a number from the random number generator SUNDAY, Sept. 21 NIGHT at 8pm, so get your comments in!!!
As a long time lurker count me in! Those earrings are so cute.
tmcintire at hotmail dot com
Love it!! Im in!
Cute stuff! Steph
You're right; those are super cute! Thanks for having the giveaway.
I'm in! And I'm leaving BOTH LINKS TO MY BLOG. YES! I would link them even without a special drawing, girl!
winner winner chicken dinner im sycked
Earrings and giveaways are my two favorite things! I'm feeling lucky! thanks jean!
I am so in!!!
I love the earrings I'm so excited about your etsy shop I'm telling my sisters about your shop
Amber leavitt
Enter ME please!! I'm Mel's friend Sally (brycesally@yahoo.com)
Pick me! You know how much I love your jewelry!!!
Oh, and I left a link too!
Me too! Don't want to be left out of all the fun. I love the hoop earrings!
YEAH! I finally did it. I hope I win. Pick Me. Pick Me. I want to WIN!!!!
Oh! I also put a link to both your etsy shop and shop blog. I need all the entries I can get.
I'm in and will be praying to win! :) I have your neckcandy link on my blog FOREVER, so count me in for the extra entries!
Sign me up...free and earings...life is good!
What a great blog...love the jewelry. I get so many great comments on the pieces I already own and wear! - krisha (Casey's friend from AR)
Hey! So glad you came by! Maybe I'll win your darling earings and you'll win my bunny!
PS Your shop looks great!
Love em! Count me in!
OK- I'm finally in! I put your link on my blog (the first one EVER!) I'll get around to the rest later!
Great Stuff! Thanks Kim for sending me the link.
I'm from Casey's blog...I love your earrings...and I will link to you on blog!
fun! these are SO cute!!!
First time seeing this blog. Cute! Hope I win!
You are so talented! I love your stuff!
count me in! alishastamper@gmail.com
These earrings are beautiful! Please put my name in your giveaway!
Very Pretty!! I would love to win this!
I love the colors!
So cute!!
I love them.
hondavan at cableone.net
I love these earrings. I also love the lavendar milky drops and the cranberry blast necklace. beautiful work! meloniew a t g m a i l d o t c o m
Very cool. I'm lovin' your jewelry!
Please include me - your creations are fantastic!! Thanks in advance for my Neck Candy creation!!!!
Cute jewelry! Hope I win!!
WOW! I love your jewelry!!! Thanks!
those are incredible- count me in!
ok I want all the necklaces! they are fantastic! If I knew how to put it on my blog I would. tell me how and I will do it!
Too super cute! Love them!
Your a talented artist- whether i win or not : )
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